Challenges and Opportunities in Improving Maternal and Child Health in Bangladesh

For any nation to thrive sustainably, maternal and child health is a key concern. Despite significant advancement in recent years, maternal and child health in Bangladesh is still a major concern. Bangladesh has higher rates of maternal and newborn mortality than the world average. To enhance mother and child health in Bangladesh, a number of possibilities and problems must be addressed.

Current Status of Maternal and Child Health in Bangladesh
In recent years, mother and child health in Bangladesh has improved significantly. The maternal mortality rate has decreased from 322 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2010 to 196 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2018, according to the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) Year 2017 to 2018. In a similar vein, the infant mortality rate dropped from 52 per 1,000 live births in 2014 to 29 per 1,000 live births in the year 2018.
Despite these advancements, maternal and child health remains a major obstacle in Bangladesh. The high number of adolescent pregnancies is one of the main problems. 20% of Bangladeshi women give birth before the age of 18, which raises the risk of maternal and infant death, according to the BDHS 2017–2018. Lack of access to high-quality healthcare services, particularly in rural regions, is another problem. A serious issue is malnutrition as well, which causes stunting in 36% of children under the age of five.

Challenges in Improving Maternal and Child Health in Bangladesh
To enhance mother and child health in Bangladesh, a number of issues must be resolved. These difficulties include:
Lack of access to high-quality healthcare services: Due to a paucity of healthcare professionals, poor infrastructure, and constrained resources, many people in Bangladesh lack access to high-quality healthcare services.

Poor nutrition: Malnutrition is a serious issue in Bangladesh, where it causes stunting in roughly 36% of children under the age of 5. Mortality risks for both mothers and children are increased by poor nutrition.

Limited access to family planning services: Bangladesh's poor utilization of these services leads to the high prevalence of adolescent pregnancies as well as maternal and infant mortality.

Limited understanding of maternal and child health is a result of Bangladesh's low levels of education and awareness, which also influence poor health-seeking behaviour.

Opportunities for Improving Maternal and Child Health in Bangladesh
To enhance mother and child health in Bangladesh, a number of possibilities may be taken advantage of. These possibilities consist of:

1. Improving nutrition: Combating malnutrition necessitates a multi-sectoral strategy that incorporates initiatives in agriculture, health, and education. Access to nutrient-rich meals and breastfeeding promotion are two nutrition treatments that can assist enhance mother and child health.

2. Expanding access to family planning services: By making family planning services more widely available, it is possible to lower the number of adolescent pregnancies as well as maternal and infant mortality.

3. Increasing education and awareness: Promoting maternal and child health through school curricula, community outreach initiatives, and public health campaigns can help people become more health-conscious and knowledgeable about maternal and child health.

Current State of Child Health Facilities in Dhaka
With a population of over 20 million, Dhaka has a significant need for child health care. Numerous child health services are provided by a variety of public and private healthcare facilities in the city. For many families, particularly those residing in low-income regions, access to these services continues to be a substantial barrier. Some of the child health facilities in Dhaka include the ones listed below:

Public Hospitals: There are a number of public hospitals in Dhaka that provide services for children's health, such as pediatric wards, neonatal critical care units, and vaccination clinics. However, these hospitals frequently struggle with issues like overcrowding, a lack of funding, and capacity restrictions.

Private Hospitals: Dhaka is home to a sizable number of private hospitals that provide services for children's health. The facilities and resources at these hospitals tend to be superior to those at public hospitals, but they are frequently more expensive and may not be available to low-income families.

Primary Healthcare Centers: These community-based clinics offer children's fundamental healthcare services including vaccines, dietary advice, and growth tracking. But these facilities frequently struggle with issues like a lack of funding and staff.
Mobile Healthcare Services: A number of NGOs and government organizations provide these services, which deliver healthcare to local populations. Children in distant and underprivileged locations can make use of these programs to receive vaccines, health screenings, and basic medical care.

Challenges in Providing Child Health Facilities in Dhaka
Despite the fact that Dhaka has child health facilities, a number of issues need to be resolved if the effectiveness and accessibility of these services are to be improved. These difficulties include:

1. Inadequate Resources: Inadequate resources, like medical supplies, personnel, and equipment, plague many public hospitals and basic healthcare facilities in Dhaka. Patients may get low-quality care and protracted wait times as a result of this.

2. Limited Capacity: The enormous demand for services, especially during peak times, frequently overwhelms Dhaka's healthcare system. Particularly in public hospitals, this may result in lengthy wait times and congestion.

3. Financial Obstacles: Private hospitals in Dhaka might be pricey and beyond reach for families with little resources. Many families are unable to pay out of pocket for healthcare services, which restricts their access to care.

4. Geographical Obstacles: It is challenging for many families in Dhaka to get child health care since their homes are in rural or underdeveloped regions. For families residing in slums or other informal settlements, this is especially true.
Inadequate Awareness: In Dhaka, many families are unaware of the value of pediatric healthcare or the resources that are accessible to them.

Delays in receiving care and poor health-seeking behaviour can result from this.

Opportunities for Improving Child Health Facilities in Dhaka
Despite the difficulties, there are numerous chances that can be taken advantage of to enhance child health services in Dhaka. These possibilities consist of:

More Investment: The difficulties of insufficient funding and constrained capacity in Dhaka's healthcare system may be addressed with more investment in healthcare facilities and resources.

Public-Private Partnerships: By combining the resources and know-how of the public and private sectors, public-private partnerships can assist increase access to high-quality healthcare services.

Mobile Healthcare Services: The development of mobile healthcare services has the potential to enable populations that are underserved by healthcare services to have access to care without being constrained by geographical boundaries.

Health Education Campaigns: Health Education campaigns can aid in promoting health-seeking and increasing knowledge of the value of child health care.

A multi-sectoral strategy involving initiatives in agriculture, health, and education is needed to improve mother and child health in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has advanced significantly in recent years, but there are still a number of issues that need to be resolved.

