Essential First aid

Here are some other basic first aid maneuvers that a person should learn:

Treating wounds and bleeding: Learn how to clean and dress wounds, apply pressure to stop bleeding, and recognize the signs of shock.

There are two steps in dealing with bleeding, the first is to clean the wound to prevent infections, second is to try to contain it. Apply pressure to  reduce the level of bleeding, and allowing the blood to clot and repair itself. Tie around a clean cloth, to stop further bleeding. If plasters are sufficient use them. If not tie the wound with a cloth and take the person to the nearest medical center for possible stitching.

Dealing with burns: Learn how to treat minor burns with cool running water and how to recognize and treat more severe burns.

Recognizing and treating heat stroke and hypothermia: Learn how to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke and hypothermia and how to provide basic first aid treatment.

Managing fractures and sprains: Learn how to recognize and immobilize a fracture or sprain until medical help arrives.

Managing allergic reactions: Learn how to recognize and manage mild allergic reactions with antihistamines and how to recognize and treat severe allergic reactions with epinephrine.

Providing basic support for heart attacks and strokes: Learn how to recognize the signs of heart attacks and strokes and how to provide basic first aid support until medical help arrives.

Basic eye care: Learn how to remove foreign objects from the eye and how to treat minor eye injuries.

Understand how to deal with choking:  It is important to remember that these are just some of the basic first aid maneuvers. It is always recommended to take a comprehensive first aid course to learn these skills from a certified instructor, and to refresh your skills regularly.

